Annie (AKA Hey Terra!) has been around long enough to have experienced a lot of what Life can dish out. But, it hasn’t been so long that she's forgotten what it's like to be your age. Check out some of the thousands of email questions teens from around the world have sent to Terra. You may learn something useful from her answers:
Long-distance relationships:
“I just met this guy on the Internet.”
Hey Terra,
I just met this guy through my friend on the Internet and I want to send him an email and I don't know what to say because I don't know anything about him. He is smart and I am not and so if I spell a word wrong I will feel stupid and if I speak too simple he might think I am a baby. What should I do?Bad Speller
Dear Bad Speller,
Use a spell checker to make sure your letter is spelled correctly. But more important than that, be VERY CAREFUL about giving anyone you meet on the Internet any personal information about you. Do not tell him your real name, where you live, your phone number, etc. This guy could be anyone and, like you said you "don't know anything about him."
Be safe!
In friendship,
Need some advice? Write to Terra.
She'll give you a straight answer you can trust without any lectures.